Tuesday 24 December 2013

北海道牛奶芝士面包 Hokkaido milk bread with cheese

最近看到很多人都在做北海道面包,害我心痒痒地也想来做一个。其实何谓北海道面包?Google 了一下,原来它的特色就是蓬松而且柔软,带有牛奶的香气。集合了多个食谱的精髓后,我也来凑凑热闹做了个有芝士的北海道牛奶面包。

高筋面粉  20g
牛奶  100g

高筋面粉  300g
幼糖  50g
盐  1/2茶匙
即溶酵母  1 1/2茶匙
鸡蛋  50g (约1粒C蛋)
牛油  70g
牛奶  35g
汤种  100g

  1. 把汤种材料混合,用小火边煮边搅直到变成糊状,熄火让汤种待凉备用。
  2. 预留两茶匙的蛋液,然后把剩下的所有材料放入搅拌机中(先放湿的材料,再放干的材料),以揉面功能揉成起筋的面团。
  3. 面团放入大的容器中,用湿布盖起来放进不开电的烤箱中发酵成两倍大。
  4. 在发酵好的面团上轻轻按压来释放空气,再把面团分成每个约100g的小面团(可分成6个)。
  5. 把小面团轻揉成圆形, 放在不开电的烤箱中15分钟。
  6. 取出面团,杆成比手掌稍长的长方形。
  7. 芝士片切半,横放在杆平的面团上,再把面团卷起来。
  8. 在容器中抹上一层薄薄的牛油,把面包卷排列在容器中,之间预留大约一公分的距离。
  9. 用湿布盖起容器,让面包卷松弛至两倍大,约两个半小时。
  10. 烤箱预热到170度。
  11. 取出松弛好的面包卷,在表面涂上一层蛋液,放入预热好的烤箱烤20分钟,或至表面呈金黄色即可。


TangZhong Ingredients:
Bread flour 20g
Milk 100g

Bread flour 300g
Sugar 50g
Salt 1/2tsp
Instant yeast 1 1/2tsp
Egg 50g
Butter 70g
Milk 35g
TangZhong 100g

  1. Combine TangZhong ingredients in a small pot and stir in low heat to form a paste, set aside and let cool.
  2. Reserve 2tsp of egg to use later, and put all the ingredients into mixer (wet ingredients first, follow by dry ingredients), use kneading function to knead the ingredients until a dough is formed.
  3. Place the dough into a large bowl and cover up with wet cloth until the dough is fermented to double of original size. 
  4. Slightly press on the dough to release air, split the dough to smaller portion of 100g each.
  5. Gently roll the small dough into a ball shape, and cover up with wet cloth, set aside for 15 minutes.
  6. Roll the dough into a rectangular shape, slightly larger than the size of your palm.
  7. Cut the cheese slice into half and place it in the middle. Gently roll up the dough to form a bread roll.
  8. Coat the container with some butter, place the bread roll in the container with about 1cm apart from each other.
  9. Cover the container with a wet cloth, and let the bread fermented to double of its size (about 2hrs 30min).
  10. Preheat oven to 170C.
  11. Brush some egg wash on the surface of the bread roll, and bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until the surface is golden brown.

By 阿七

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