Tuesday, 5 December 2017

【娜娜宝贝的副食日记】宝宝餐椅上的神器 - 折叠式餐椅垫 Poppy Seat Cover


Nana has started on finger food since 5 months old, she's been improving from day to day and I really feel proud when she can quietly eat together with us during every meal.


Somehow when we are dining out, the clealiness of baby high chair still makes me worried. I have to clean it thoroughly with antibacteria wipes before i put her into the high chair.

在妈咪群组里看到这个餐椅垫 Poppy Seat,我马上双眼发亮,这不就可以解决我的担忧了吗?这个折叠式的餐椅垫,不仅仅可以免除卫生方面的忧虑,加大的托盘还可以减低食物被丢到地上的机率呢~

When I saw this Poppy Seat in one of the mommies group, I was so delighted, this is what I need. It does not only help to keep my baby away from hygienic issue, but it also helps to prevent  her food from dropping onto the floor.

用了Poppy Seat一段日子之后,以下是我总结的用后感。。。



自从有了Poppy Seat,我们就只需要把餐椅垫打开套上去,就可以让餐椅上的细菌和宝宝隔离了。Poppy Seat的材质有验证过是对宝宝绝对安全的,所以娜娜想要舔餐椅垫的话,尽管来吧!


I used to consume a lot of antibacteria wipes to clean the high chair when dining out. Now I just need to unfold Poppy Seat and pop it over the high chair, and Nana is well protected from outside germs and bacteria. 

As she always like to lick the high chair, I'm not worried anymore as she can only lick on the Poppy Seat cover now. 


娜娜吃饱了很喜欢东摸摸西摸摸,常常把餐椅弄得脏兮兮的。吃米饼的时候更是让我头痛,粘了米饼的餐椅真的超难清理的。有了Poppy Seat,再怎么弄脏也可以带回家慢慢清洗,省时省力。

Baby's eating can be a mess and Nana will always make the high chair dirty with traces of food, especially rice crackers that are sticky and hard to clean. Now I just need to clean the Poppy Seat but not every high chair that she has been sitting on.



我注意到自从用了Poppy Seat,食物跌在地上的机率少了很多。一来是因为托盘很大,食物很难被扔出去,二来托盘的边缘有折起来的部份,有效阻挡食物跌在地上。

Poppy Seat helps to prevent food from accidentally dropped onto the floor as well. The tray area is big enough with a folded edge, which helps to hold the food.


用餐完毕,我都是随便用纸巾擦拭一下托盘的部份,然后就收起来带回家了。回到家,爹地就会把Poppy Seat彻底冲洗干净,基本上轻轻拭擦就可以把粘在上面的食物屑清理掉。洗完把它套在餐椅上,很快就会被风干。

Basically i just wipe with tissue paper before i fold the Poppy Seat to bring back. At home, it can be easily cleaned by rinsing through with water and let it dry under the fan.


Poppy Seat 可以像一般汽车的遮阳档那样,旋转折起来,收起来之后大概比A4纸大一点点,放进爸爸包里头不会占太多位。Poppy Seat 本身也有专属的背袋,还有两个小口袋可以放杂物,有时到附近用餐我直接拿了这个包就走了,够方便!

When folded, the size is just slightly bigger than A4 size paper, which makes it easy to bring along. Poppy Seat comes with their own carry bag too with 2 additional small compartments.


目前为止我到过的餐厅,Poppy Seat 都可以派上用场。无论是有椅背、无椅背、有托盘、无托盘、大的、小的,都可以轻松套上。

Poppy Seat can be fitted onto almost all high chairs, whether with or without back support, with or without a tray. This really bring us a lot of convenience that we can use it whenever we dine out.

星巴克的无椅背无托盘餐椅,套上Poppy Seat 就可以让娜娜吃她的手指食物了。

那天去咖啡馆,只剩下沙发座和小茶几,还好有 Poppy Seat 可以充当托盘。

Poppy Seat 的托盘下方有两个吸盘,可以吸住餐桌以固定位置。

There are two suction cups underneath so that Poppy Seat can grip on the table firmly.

有了 Poppy Seat,最大的好处莫过于不再担心外头的餐椅的卫生问题。以前我都不敢带着娜娜去卫生环境较差的地方用餐,现在可以放心多了。而且她一看到这张印有红色绿色 monster 的 Poppy Seat,她就知道用餐时间要到了,整个人都兴奋起来呢!

Ever since we start using Poppy Seat, we feel much better when putting Nana onto highchairs in restaurant. She feels happy too when she sees the red and green monsters on Poppy Seat.

顺便给个小贴士,如果有兴趣购买 Poppy Seat 的话,可以透过他们的 Facebook 专页联络负责人,这样可以免费获得一份价值 RM49 的宝宝睡袋哦!

Here's a tips for anyone who is interested in Poppy Seat. Contact them via FB and you can get a free sleep sack worth RM49 with any purchase. Hope you like it!

Poppy Seat 官方网站:http://www.poppy.com.my/

By 阿七


  1. Nice review, very useful information, thanks!

  2. Completely agree. this item is very useful and saved me lot of hassle when taking my baby out. A great gift too for my friend with a new born.

    1. Yup, i really like it so much and i have intro this to my friends too!
